#24 Nutrition for Focus, Energy and Achieving Goals: I’m Too Busy for Nutrition with Karl Pilz

Today I bring you Karl Pilz, host of the I’m Too Busy for Nutrition Podcast. Karl is the first non-wrestler to make it onto the show so to do that he MUST be good. He is the first nutrition expert that I’ve met that understands REAL people like you and me. We’re busy. We’re focused…

#23 Top Gun Pilot and 3-Star Admiral Kevin “Kid” Donegan

#23 Top Gun Pilot and 3-Star Admiral Kevin “Kid” Donegan

Today I bring you Vice Admiral Kevin Donegan. On September 3rd, 2015, the U.S. Navy Central Command (NAVCENT)/U.S. Navy 5th Fleet /held a change-of-command ceremony aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt where 3-star Admiral and former D1 wrestler Kevin Donegan took command. Most of us have heard of CENTCOM, which is U.S. Central Command….

#22 Sports, Sales and Outrageous Service. Interview with Greg Hatcher of The Hatcher Agency

Today I bring you Greg Hatcher. Greg is a 1983 graduate of Alma College (Michigan) where he lettered in wrestling, soccer and baseball. Following graduation he began selling insurance for Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield. For a record six of his seven years he was named Account Executive of the Year. Greg then struck off…