#437 Game On: Welcome to the Success for the Athletic-Minded Man Podcast!

#437 Game On: Welcome to the Success for the Athletic-Minded Man Podcast!

New year, new podcast. Welcome to the pilot episode of the Success for the Athletic-Minded Man! Welcome to Success for the Athletic-Minded Man (SAM)! A real talk on harnessing your athletic drive for clarity, focus, and consistency in business and life. But we’re not just tossing around buzzwords— we’re unleashing the secrets of elite athletes…

#436 The Grand Finale: My 3 Biggest Takeaways from Hosting Success Through Failure

#436 The Grand Finale: My 3 Biggest Takeaways from Hosting Success Through Failure

We go behind the scenes: the laughs, the frustrations, and the “aha” moments. Join me in the finale for the unfiltered story of Success Through Failure! For the finale, I’m taking you on a journey down memory lane, recounting the origins of the #STFpod. From the nervous stumbles in front of 200 people at the…

The word "challenge" highlighted in magenta (Success Through Failure podcast episode 435: The Power of Personalized Challenges: How 30 Days Can Transform 5 Lives)

#435 The Power of Personalized Challenges: How 30 Days Can Transform 5 Lives

In this special episode, I’m turning the spotlight on 5 of my clients… winners of the personalized 30-day challenge we host each year. What you’ll hear in this episode is truly unique— it’s unlike anything I’ve done before. Why? Because I’m giving you a glimpse into a Reveal Your Path tradition we call the “Pathfinder…

A person writing his goals on a notebook (Success Through Failure podcast episode 434: A Step-by-Step Goal Setting System That Works: A 20 Minute Masterclass for Clarity and Consistency)

#434 A Step-by-Step Goal Setting System That Works: A 20 Minute Masterclass for Clarity and Consistency

Tired of the same old resolutions? Tune in as I unveil a step-by-step plan for your 2024 goals that’s anything but ordinary. Do you wish you had a specific step-by-step framework to set goals for 2024? In the next 20 minutes, I’m going to outline for you a laser-focused strategy designed to help you create…

"Tey Year Career" Author, Coachvox AI founder Jodie Cook (Success Through Failure 433: Fail, Pivot, Succeed: AI and Jodie Cook's Entrepreneurial Edge)

#433 Fail, Pivot, Succeed: AI and Jodie Cook’s Entrepreneurial Edge

Why put limits on yourself when you know that you have the potential for incredible success? My guest for this episode is not just an amazing entrepreneur but a testament to the extraordinary possibilities when innovation, resilience, and a touch of rebellious thinking come together. Meet Jodie Cook, an entrepreneur, athlete, author, and the innovative…