The Reveal Your Path Framework:

The system you need to maximize your full potential.

Reveal Your Path is an 8-week program that guides athletic-minded men to gain clarity, focus, and consistency in business and life.

We use a unique framework inspired by world-class performers so that you can lead a meaningful life of purpose and impact.

What You Get

Private One-On-One Coaching Calls

These calls ensure you get the most out of your investment and get the one-on-one attention you need to get maximum results.

Group Coaching Calls

Facilitated by Jim Harshaw Jr, you and fellow Reveal Your Path clients (called Pathfinders) meet up virtually to share insights, offer feedback and get accountability through time on the “hot seat.”

Discovery Exercise Assignments

You will receive worksheets that will guide you to clarity, balance, and breakthroughs. Each exercise is specifically designed to reveal powerful insights about yourself, your potential, and how to tap into it.

Tips, Tools and Tactics Of Elite Performers

Gleaned from elite performers including Navy SEALs, Olympians, billionaires, best-selling authors and top coaches, you will receive invaluable tips, tools, and tactics weekly. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Leverage these insights to boost your results quickly.

One-On-One Accountability Calls

You will have one-on-one accountability calls with members of your team of Pathfinders. Accountability is key to success for world-class performers. It’s the same with you. Reveal Your Path teammates often become lifelong friends.

Private Facebook Group Access

Who you spend time with is who you become. This Facebook community is full of like-minded individuals who are living their best lives through the Reveal Your Path system. Pathfinders include CEOs, Olympians, professional athletes, neurosurgeons, MBAs, entrepreneurs, college coaches, educators, sales professionals, and others.

What people are saying about Reveal Your Path


We get one shot at this life.
What value do you place on your dreams and goals?
Are you willing to settle for mediocrity?

There are a lot of things that cost more than Reveal Your Path. Divorce and medical bills, likewise the cost of regret, self-doubt, and fear.

What do you stand to gain?
What if you increased your productivity by just 10%?
What if you achieved your goals in the next 12 months?
Even if you only achieved one big goal, what would that be worth to you?

Hundreds of “Pathfinders” have come before you and found success. You can see their testimonials on this page. Pathfinders come from all walks of life— surgeons, teachers, real estate agents, Olympic athletes, entrepreneurs, and contractors. They come from across the US and Canada.

Some came for help in their relationship but also found success in their business, while others came to grow their career but found themselves more physically fit than they’d ever been before.

So, if you receive an invitation to join Reveal Your Path then it will work for you.(Note: If this page was forwarded to you, please know that you must go through the application process
to see if you qualify for an invitation.)

Reveal Your Path is designed for the busy professional. The first few weeks will require the most work— about 1-2 hours. You undoubtedly get out of this what you put in to it, therefore if you invest even more, you’ll get even more.

You have lifetime access to all of the Discovery Exercises as well as the tools, tips, and tactics that are shared with you almost daily.

No. Reveal Your Path is not right for everyone. And not everyone is right for Reveal Your Path. However, if you’re interested in gaining access to personal performance coaching through the Reveal Your Path program, please complete this application.

Reveal Your Path is rolling admission with enrollment periods every two weeks. If you’re committed to getting results, please contact the Pathfinder coach who shared this with you.

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