#24 Nutrition for Focus, Energy and Achieving Goals: I’m Too Busy for Nutrition with Karl Pilz

Practical and actionable nutrition tips for busy people who want to lose weight, increase energy, maximize focus or get the edge on the competition.Today I bring you Karl Pilz, host of the I’m Too Busy for Nutrition Podcast. Karl is the first non-wrestler to make it onto the show so to do that he MUST be good. He is the first nutrition expert that I’ve met that understands REAL people like you and me. We’re busy. We’re focused on achieving big things and nutrition is important but it’s not something I want to spend a lot of time (or money) on. With Karl’s actionable and practical advice, you’ll learn just enough science to understand the how and why of proper nutrition with an emphasis on increasing energy and focus so that you can power through your day and achieve huge goals.

Download the Action Plan from This Episode Here

Jim Harshaw Wrestling with Greatness Podcast for former wrestlers  Jim Harshaw Wrestling with Greatness Podcast for former wrestlers


Karl’s Website and Course

Brain, Body and Business Transformation Video Course on Nutrition to the Edge