#128 From Son of a Drug-Addicted Prostitute to Doctorate Degree: The Fascinating Life Story of Dr. Ben Williams

Jim Harshaw interviews Ron Brown College Preparatory High School Principal Dr. Ben WilliamsA Story of Heartbreak, Tragedy, and Finding Your Purpose.

Today I bring you Dr. Ben Williams. The principal at Ron Brown College Preparatory High School in Washington DC, Ben’s life has been anything but easy. At age 4, he and his younger brother, sons of a prostitute addicted to drugs, became wards of the state and entered the Nevada foster care system. At age 12 they were adopted and there was hope that their troubles were over. The reality was far from it. After just a couple of years, because of their father’s failing health, they found themselves living with their aunt. Ben’s brother Andre, struggling with behavior problems, found himself at a residential facility for troubled youth. In the ensuing years, Ben found his way successfully through high school and into one of the top public universities in the country, the University of Virginia. But just before Ben’s third year in college, Andre was killed by a drunk driver while crossing a road. Despite so many obstacles in his path, Ben received three degrees from the University of Virginia including his doctorate in education and administration.

Ben’s challenging road has positioned him well to take the lead of the all-boys college preparatory school that he now heads. What I want to explore and what I want you the listener to learn is how Ben faced adversity only to come out on top.

But first…. If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode– as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode– at JimHarshawJr.com/Action.

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Jim Harshaw interviews Ron Brown College Preparatory High School Principal Dr. Ben Williams on iTunes Jim Harshaw interviews Ron Brown College Preparatory High School Principal Dr. Ben Williams on Stitcher

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