#206 From Zero to Fulfilled in 30 Seconds or Less: A Tactic for Happiness

#206 From Zero to Fulfilled in 30 Seconds or Less: A Tactic for Happiness

Find fulfillment now. (21:00) If you can just make more money, then you’ll be happy, right? Or if you can just get that promotion. Or maybe change companies, then you’ll be happy. While I believe that money can buy happiness (a short-term excitement like when you buy a new car), it can’t buy fulfillment (a…

#205 How to Crush Massive Goals Even If You Have Massive Obstacles: A Conversation with Andre Kajlich

#205 How to Crush Massive Goals Even If You Have Massive Obstacles: A Conversation with Andre Kajlich

Succeeding despite your obstacles (55:43) In 2003, Andre Kajlich was a charismatic 23-year-old student attending his father’s alma mater in the city of Prague. One night, partying with friends into the early hours, he wound up on the tracks in front of an oncoming subway train. His devastating injuries required that both legs be amputated…

#204 What To Do When You Go Off Course: A Guide To Regaining Focus, Consistency, and Balance

#204 What To Do When You Go Off Course: A Guide To Regaining Focus, Consistency, and Balance

Getting back on track. (20:34) Do you ever feel like you’re off course? Maybe you went on vacation and can’t get back it the groove? Or maybe after traveling for work or after you get sick? Or maybe just when life throws a curveball at you… you have to finish a big project at work…

#203 Meditation Simplified: The Expert on Making Meditation Work in Your Life

#203 Meditation Simplified: The Expert on Making Meditation Work in Your Life

Meditation simplified. (44:57) Award-winning author Dean Sluyter (pronounced “slighter”) has taught natural methods of meditation and awakening since 1970. His five highly acclaimed books include the back-to-back Amazon #1 stress-management bestseller Natural Meditation and Fear Less: Living Beyond Fear, Anxiety, Anger, and Addiction. Dean gives talks, workshops, and retreats throughout the United States and beyond,…

#202 “Yeah, but” Syndrome: Erasing Doubt and Believing In Your Capacity to Succeed

#202 “Yeah, but” Syndrome: Erasing Doubt and Believing In Your Capacity to Succeed

Your inner doubt. (17:44) Do you look at your past success and sometimes explain it away? “Yeah, but I got lucky. I was just in the right place at the right time.” Or do you look at your hopes and dreams and explain away your ability to achieve them? “Yeah, but I couldn’t do that….