Search Results for: spodek

#403 From Mindset to Action: Josh Spodek on Living a Sustainable Life

#403 From Mindset to Action: Josh Spodek on Living a Sustainable Life

Stop waiting for the perfect moment to start. Joshua Spodek is back on the show to share how to achieve sustainable success through taking the leap of faith and taking action.  Are you someone who has big dreams but struggles with taking action? Do you find yourself constantly waiting for the perfect moment to start…

#196 Initiative: A Blueprint For How To Make Your Idea Work With Josh Spodek

#196 Initiative: A Blueprint For How To Make Your Idea Work With Josh Spodek

How to create initiative (52:19) Joshua Spodek, PhD, MBA, TEDx speaker, wrote the #1 bestselling Leadership Step by Step, hosts the award-winning Leadership and the Environment podcast, is a professor at NYU, writes a column for Inc., and blogs daily at He holds five Ivy League degrees, including a PhD in astrophysics and an…

#89 Absurdly Useful Leadership Tactics That You Can Use Today from Josh Spodek

Today I bring you Joshua Spodek, my first ever repeat guest. His insights into leadership were uniquely fascinating the last time back in episode #58 and he just launched his book, Leadership Step by Step, so I wanted to have him back on to talk about what we might learn if we buy it. Josh…

#58 Josh Spodek on the Four Steps to Real Leadership (and what’s missing from most leadership training)

Today I bring you Josh Spodek. A Professor at NYU and columnist for Inc., he holds five Ivy-League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics as well as an MBA, both from Columbia University, where he studied under a Nobel Laureate. He holds six patents.He leads seminars in Leadership, Creativity, Sales, Strategy, and Motivation at institutions…