Zappos, Wooden and Chouinard: A lesson in coaching

More and more, I see the relationship between good business practice and good coaching. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s new book, Delivering Happiness, came out this week. In it he talks about how doing good business is good for business. John Wooden’s passing reminded me that Hsieh’s business philosophy can apply to athletics too. Coach Wooden was the epitomy of this. He never talked about winning. He only talked about process, preparation, character and moral condition. Similarly, I read an interview in Entrepreneur Magazine recently with Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia. His radically “good” business practices have brought him untold success.
What is your coaching philosophy? What is the mission of your organization? Is it winning? Is it money? Is it the process? Is it performing at your maximum potential? Are you doing good?
Hsieh’s book is a great read and inspiring story. Buy it here.

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