When Nothing is Better Than Something

Remember when you got your website? You built it yourself or you had “a guy” who built it for you. It was gong to be great! You added pages for your roster, schedule, team info, fundraising, alumni, links, results, fun facts, contact us, about us, news, coaches, history, pics, video, rankings, JV, site map…

Unfortunately, you haven’t updated most of this since last December so when visitors land on your site, they think it, and your organization is dead. They never return. No website is better than a dead website.

All you really need, most likely, is a news blog to let me know whats going on. A one-page website with news posted chronologically from top to bottom. If you need more, create a Facebook Page. I can find your videos and pics there in addition to your news. Or better yet, they find me.

The real key is to get me then keep me. You do that by creating multiple avenues of communication through which you can “keep” someone. Facebook, Twitter, email newsletters, blog and RSS feeds (notice I didn’t say website).

Keep it simple and build as your resources allow. Baby steps.

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