I was listening to the local public news radio last night and heard a commercial about the Elizabeth River, a very polluted river in Virginia. The commercial was about a project to get people to experience the river and learn more about it. The narrator said this: (paraphrased) “To get people to care about the river they have to learn about it and experience it.” The idea here is that if you educate people about the river they will become stewards of it. They will help to revitalize the river, make it healthier and more productive. I say this… to get people to care about your program they have to learn about it and experience it. That means getting media coverage, sending emails and text messages, creating a Facebook page. You need to market your program. Get people educated about your program and get them to experience it on some level. They will then become stewards of your program. They will add life to it, make it healthier and more productive. If you’re not doing it yourself, don’t know how or don’t have the time, Riot Sports Marketing can help.
What Tree Huggers can Teach Wrestling