#355 What the Experts Aren’t Telling You: The Incomplete Truth About Success, Failure, and Achieving Your Potential

Blocks that form the words "success" and "team" (Success Through Failure episode 355: What the Experts Aren't Telling You: The Incomplete Truth About Success, Failure, and Achieving Your Potential)There are lots of paths to take in life. Only a few lead to success. In this episode, I reveal a framework about the environment you need to create to find success despite, and often because of, failure, so that you can finally move from where you’re at to where you want to go.

There are so many critical gaps that are missing from the message about how to create success.

“Post your goals on the mirror.”
“Read books.”
“Have a good attitude.”

You’ve heard them all.

While these are a good start, they’re incomplete. They’re not telling you the whole story.

In this episode, I close these gaps using a crystalized 4-step framework so you can insulate yourself from the negative effects of failure and at the same time leverage the benefits of failure, so that you can get from here to there— whatever your desired “there” may be! Listen now.

If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at JimHarshawJr.com/Action.

Download the Action Plan from This Episode Here

Did you know that there's a “map” that will lead you toward success and balance?

#355 What the Experts Aren't Telling You: The Incomplete Truth About Success, Failure, and Achieving Your Potential

Did you know that there's a “map” that will lead you toward success and balance?         Did you know that there's a “map” that will lead you toward success and balance?        
#355 What the Experts Aren't Telling You: The Incomplete Truth About Success, Failure, and Achieving Your Potential           #355 What the Experts Aren't Telling You: The Incomplete Truth About Success, Failure, and Achieving Your Potential          
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