#387 How to Create Your Personalized Plan for Maximum Consistency and Focus in 2023

There’s a powerful 3-word question that has helped thousands of people improve their performance. Ask yourself this and you’ll have clarity of action and peace of mind this year. It’s already a new year but our goal to have— and maintain— a steadfast focus and consistency remains the same. But let’s be honest, it’s hard….

#386 International Speaker Chris Widener on Being Personally Mentored by Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn

Chris Widener has been named one of the top 50 speakers in the world, one of the top 100 leadership speakers by Inc. Magazine, and one of the top 10 sales speakers by Success Magazine. He is the author of 23 books, a number of which have been translated into 14 languages. His best-selling works…

A runway with the word "success" written on the concrete (Success Through Failure episode 350: The Secret to Success That Nobody is Talking About and How to Leverage it for Outsized Results)

#350 Productive Pause: The Secret to Success That Nobody is Talking About and How to Leverage it for Outsized Results

The secret to success that world-class performers swear by is basic and simple yet overlooked.  Ever since I was wrestling in college, I’ve been looking for the secret to success. I traveled to attend summer camps, trained at the Olympic training center, worked with amazing coaches. Eventually I went into coaching, then to major gift…

A man looking through a binoculars (Success Through Failure episode 348: How to Confidently Identify Your BHAG Even If You're Not Sure Where to Start)

#348 How to Confidently Identify Your BHAG Even If You’re Not Sure Where to Start

Does setting BHAGs scare you? Let these 3 easy, actionable tactics give you the confidence to identify your Big Hairy Audacious Goals. Listen now and take action!  Ever heard of the term BHAG? If you’re a regular listener, you’ve probably heard me talk about this in previous episodes. (See episode JimHarshawJr.com/302) BHAG or Big Hairy…