Author and finance mentor Jerremy Newsome ( Success Through Failure episode 374: Money Mindset: Risk, Failure, and Self-Imposed Consequences)

#374 Money Mindset: Risk, Failure, and Self-Imposed Consequences with Jerremy Newsome 

What’s a movie that is so good it actually changed your life? For Financial Mentor Jerremy Newsome, it’s “Forrest Gump.” And just like Forrest, of course, he also invested in Apple… at six years old! Jerremy Newsome’s mission and calling in life is to enrich lives through mentally liberating financial education. His love for business…

A man stacking up coins (Success Through Failure episode 365: Wealth Mastery: Systems and Habits for Mastering Your Financial Life)

#365 Wealth Mastery: Systems and Habits for Mastering Your Financial Life

In the finale of the Mastery series, the topic is ‘wealth mastery’ and the 5 systems and habits you’ll need to achieve your desired financial life. Do you want to get to the next level in your career and in your financial status? Do you wish to… Earn more money? Get promoted at work? Start…