Fear to Fuel author Patrick Sweeney on the Success Through Failure podcast episode 305: The Power of Fear: Unlocking the Neuroscience of Fear so You Can Unleash Your Potential with Patrick Sweeney

#305 The Power of Fear: Unlocking the Neuroscience of Fear so You Can Unleash Your Potential with Patrick Sweeney

Fear is Fuel Inc. Magazine called Patrick Sweeney one of the most interesting men alive. He’s a millionaire entrepreneur, world record holder, former Olympic-level athlete, and angel investor (Slack, Y Combinator, Instacart). But before all that, he was terrified of everything. He didn’t have confidence or self-esteem. But after battling one of the rarest forms…

Welcome greeting for the participants of the Pathfinder Retreat (Success Through Failure episode 304: Prepared for Anything: 7 Lessons In Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, and Decision-Making from the Pathfinder Retreat)

#304 Prepared for Anything: 7 Lessons In Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, and Decision-Making from the Pathfinder Retreat

Pathfinder Retreat After months of preparation, 12 amazing individuals raised the bar during our first-ever Pathfinder Retreat held in Princeton, New Jersey. Pathfinders are the graduates of my coaching program which is called Reveal Your Path. They signed up for this retreat because they wanted to go deeper; they wanted to connect with the people…

Former NFL player Joe Hawley (Success Through Failure episode 303: NFL to Life on the Road: Joe Hawley’s Insights Into Success, Failure, and What’s Next

#303 NFL to Life on the Road: Joe Hawley’s Insights Into Success, Failure, and What’s Next

Finding yourself.  Joe Hawley played Offensive Line in the NFL for 8 seasons with both the Atlanta Falcons and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. In 2017, after realizing his heart and body just weren’t in it anymore, he decided to walk away. This decision left him feeling a wide array of emotions. Leaving the sport he spent…

A David and Goliath-like image: The small man ready to take on the big challenges in his life (Success Through Failure episode 302: Overcoming Your Fear of Setting Scary BIG Goals: How to Set Your BHAG)

#302 Overcoming Your Fear of Setting Scary BIG Goals: How to Set Your BHAG

Big Hairy Audacious Goals Do you have big, scary goals that you’ve locked inside of you simply because they sound unreachable? Is the fear of dreaming big holding you back from achieving something that’s exciting? Something that will get you out of bed in the morning? What if I tell you that some of the…

Nuun CEO Kevin Rutherford for Success Through Failure episode 301: Leadership, Culture, and Winning in Business

#301 Leadership, Culture, and Winning in Business: CEO of Nuun Hydration Kevin Rutherford

Influence your culture and subcultures Do you want to create a winning team culture? Do you wish you could influence the culture at work but feel you don’t have the title or role to make an impact? When I spoke with Kevin Rutherford, CEO of Nuun, a sports nutrition company that’s consistently rated as one…