#385 The 8 Most Important Questions That Will Bring You Breakthrough, Clarity, and Peace of Mind in 2023

When you ask the right questions, you get the answers you need. Do you feel like you’re stalling? Like you’re kicking the can down the road on the important things in your life? Or maybe you want to ignite a fire within you so that you can pursue your next big thing with clarity and…

#383 The Truth Behind Contradicting Success Tactics: What Should You REALLY Believe?

Some say, “Strike while the iron’s hot!” While others say, “Only fools rush in.” Which is which?! 😵‍💫 Do you ever get frustrated when you hear a successful person contradict what some other successful person said? Who do you believe?! While it’s nice to have multiple inspirations, the overwhelming amount of available success strategies often…

Silicon Valley Porn Star author and venture capitalist Jason Portnoy (Success Through Failure episode 382: Jason Portnoy of Paypal and Palantir on Porn Addiction, Shame Cycles, and the Dangers of Having It All)

#382 Jason Portnoy of Paypal and Palantir on Porn Addiction, Shame Cycles, and the Dangers of Having It All

If you have a chance to get EVERYTHING that you want in life, would it bring you genuine peace and happiness? Or would it feel like a punishment? Author and Venture capitalist Jason Portnoy grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey. He went to Stanford University and eventually found himself in Silicon Valley in…

#381 The Solution for Information Overload: 5 Timeless and Essential Success Principles

We live in an ever-changing world, but there are some success principles that will always stay the same. I share the top 5 in this episode so that you can cut through the noise and focus on the right things. There are new books, podcasts, technology, and gurus showing up in your social media feed…

#380 The True Story of World-Class Endurance Athletes and Father-Son Duo Travis and Mark Macy in a Race Against the Odds

It’s one thing to compete in the “Eco-Challenge.” It’s another to do so with Alzheimer’s. This is the true story of the phenomenal father and son duo, Travis and Mark “Mace” Macy. You may remember Travis Macy from episode 353— or for the longtime listeners, episode 52. Well, this interview is totally different and even…