The Comfort Crisis author and University and Nevada professor Michael Easter for Success Through Failure episode 312: The Comfort Crisis and What To Do About It

#312 The Comfort Crisis and What To Do About It With Michael Easter

When does comfort become a crisis? Do we really want EVERYTHING to be easy? Michael Easter is the author of The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self as well as a writer and editor for Men’s Health and Outside magazines, and a professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas….

Athlete and best-selling author Dean Karnazes (Success Throught Failure episode 311: Suffering, Affirmations, and the Value of Absurdly Hard Goals: Inside the Mind of Ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes)

#311 Suffering, Affirmations, and the Value of Absurdly Hard Goals: Inside the Mind of Ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes

Finding your thing.  Named by TIME magazine as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World,” Dean Karnazes has pushed his body and mind to inconceivable limits. Among his many accomplishments, he has run 50 marathons in all 50 US states, in 50 consecutive days. He’s run across Death Valley in the middle…

A man pushing a huge rock uphill (Success Through Failure episode 310: Should I Crush It Every Day? Or Get Off the War Path? How to Create Balanced Success)

#310 Should I Crush It Every Day? Or Get Off the War Path? How to Create Balanced Success

What does it take to be successful? Should you crush it or get off the war path? Gurus and successful people like Elon Musk often attribute success to crushing it and working ALL. THE. TIME; on changing the world with your personal life on the line. Their success is admirable. Ask yourself this… is that…

Paralympian John Register (Success Through Failure episode 309: A True Story of Overcoming the Unthinkable: How to Override Limiting Beliefs with John Register)

#309 A True Story of Overcoming the Unthinkable: How to Override Limiting Beliefs with John Register

“HURDLE adversity. AMPUTATE fear. EMBRACE a championship mindset to WIN life’s medals.” —John Register John Register is a two-time Paralympian, Paralympic Games Silver Medalist, Persian Gulf War veteran, and TEDx Motivational Speaker.  He embraced a “new normal” in becoming an amputee following a misstep over a hurdle while training for the 1996 Olympic Games. An…