Program Development Simplified

As coaches, we tell our athletes that the journey to success is a process that involves many things. For wrestlers, it may mean proper diet, live wrestling, film study, flexibility, strength & conditioning, proper rest… etc. We know deep down that this is the same with any endeavor. So, coach, let’s apply this thinking to program development. What can you do to develop your program? Off-season training, fundraising, film study with athletes, expose athletes to sport psychology, alumni development, hire more staff, event promotion… I can go on. To do all of these you need money and support. To get money and support you need a marketing plan. Marketing leads to more fans which lead to more respect from your administration which will give you more administrative support (financially and otherwise). Marketing leads to more alumni involvement which leads to more money (bring them into the fold then ask for money). Marketing leads to greater media coverage which leads to more participants and more attendance and more community involvement. Marketing leads to more excitement around your program which leads to a stronger fan-base which gives you more money and more respect from the administration which in turn gives you more support. Marketing can help our sport more than any other single action that we can take. Ok… so you’re sold on marketing. Where do you start?

  1. Get a Facebook Page for your program.
  2. Send a press release to your local media about the “big story” in your program this year (yes, there is a big story… figure it out).
  3. Create an annual giving campaign.

Do something. Anything. But be persistent. (see Program Development: The Systems Approach)

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