One Piece of Holiday Advice

The best piece of advice I received before my wedding was from our pastor, Wayne.

He told us to do this one thing sometime during the evening.

The big day came.

It was busy and chaotic. We were in constant motion trying to say thank you to everyone, get pictures, dance and do all the things you do on the wedding day.

Thankfully, we remembered Wayne’s advice. 

Ali and I ducked away from the party and found ourselves a place where we could get some perspective.

We got married in this beautiful barn in Portersville, Pa.

We remembered Wayne’s words…“at some point during the evening, steal away together and take a moment to be in the moment. Look around at the people. Take a mental picture because the night will be a blur.” 

We did exactly as he’d instructed. Upon the hill overlooking the barn, we paused.

We just stopped and looked at everyone. Then we looked at each other. For once, we were present. We were in the moment. 

And it’s one of our best memories of our wedding.

Christmas Day… and the holidays in general… are the same way.

Chaotic and busy.

A blur.

But on Christmas Day… or every day over the holidays… pause. 

If you’re a Christian, remember the reason why we’re celebrating.

Regardless of your religious affiliation, simply take the moment to be grateful.

Take 30 seconds and just BE.

Be in the moment. Realize all of the things that you have that billions of people around the world do not… like clean water or a safe place to live.

(And yes, it’s another form of a Productive Pause.) 

This may be the one part of the holidays that you actually remember!

Happy Holidays!