Coach as the CEO

When I presented at the National Wrestling Coaches Convention, there was a discernable theme of wanting to help coaches run their program as if they were the CEO. The idea is that the coach doesn’t have to do everything- he just has to oversee everything. This means different things depending on whether you’re a DI football coach or a youth coach or somewhere in between. You may have paid assistants or you may be a volunteer head coach. Regardless, if you find ways to leverage the time and resources of those around you then you’ll be able to get more done. More athlete development, more coaching, more fundraising, more promoting…. more everything. For this reason, leadership is more of a key indicator of success than simply knowing how to execute the technique. Learn to lead- lead your athletes, your fans, your staff- and you’ll be a more effective coach. Action steps:

  1. Define the human resources that you have available to you (staff, students, volunteers, friends in key positions). Get creative here. Is there a business class that requires students to do a field experience?
  2. Define a job description for this person.
  3. Make it a win-win. Think “wifm”… what’s in it for me. Put yourself in their shoes. Create an environment where they want to help.
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