Dear Coach

Dear Coach, I hope you’re doing well. I am doing fine. I’m married with 2 kids. Joe plays soccer and Ella is in the band. My wife does a lot of work with the band and I’m helping to run the youth soccer league. With my wife and I both working, we keep pretty busy….

The Power of the Church (Or How to Buy Those New Singlets)

In these troubled economic times non-profits have been hit hard.  However, more than 2/3 of churches reported donations equal to or higher than 2008.  Why? Most churches likely increased the message of urgency of giving to the church.  Churches have the opportunity to speak to their audience on a weekly basis.  Many churches, like mine,…

“Riot group” not Riot Sports Marketing

For Immediate Release Jim Harshaw Riot Sports Marketing434-409-0257 Riot Claims Innocence in Assassination Charlottesville, VA – 1/12/10 – A “Riot group” has been accused of involvement in the assassination of an Iranian physics professor tied to the Iranian nuclear program. Senior Riot Executive and Chief Instigator Jim Harshaw denies any involvement. “We want…