Building to Last

There is a well-known business book titled “Built to Last” written by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras. The subtitle is “Successful Habits of Visionary Companies” The subtitle could easily be “Successful Habits of Visionary Sports Programs”. There is one quote in this book on which I want to focus. “Profit is like oxygen, food, water,…

Let’s Evolve

“The days of people sitting in the stands and watching just the sport have gone by the wayside.” John Vidalin Senior Marketing Director Washington Capitals Joe Baranik, The owner of PA Wrestling Newsmagazine, regularly talks about promoting (a subset of marketing).  He works hard to make his events interesting- and it works.  I’ll begin compiling the most…

Not the Only One

It turns out that Riot is not the only company who believes that connecting people to each other and creating community is what matters most. “We believe in connecting people to what matters most- each other. See how we help communities live and work better together. “slogan of Century Link “Looking for more resources for…

BIRGing and CORFing

I just learned some new terms today: BIRGing- (basking in reflected glory)- when your team wins you talk about the team as “we” or “us” CORFing (casting off reflected failure)- when your team loses you talk about the team as “they” or “them” BIRGing and CORFing come from a fan base that identifies with the team. …

Fear Twitter?

Wrestling, I’m sorry to say, tends to lag a little in the adoption of technology. We’re not considered a “progressive” thinking sport. This comes from some high tech companies I’ve spoken with that offer services to sports including wrestling. There are a few wrestling people out there that are progressive and they are moving mountains….