#226 How to Use Humor (Even If You’re Not Funny): Lessons for Leaders From Stand-up Comedian Drew Tarvin

#226 How to Use Humor (Even If You’re Not Funny): Lessons for Leaders From Stand-up Comedian Drew Tarvin

DREW TARVIN is the world’s first humor engineer, teaching people how to get better results while having more fun. Combining his background as a project manager at Procter & Gamble with his experience as a stand-up comedian, he reverse-engineers the skill of humor in a way that is practical, actionable, and gets results in the…

#225 STF Holiday Survival Guide: 11 Ways to Crush the Holiday Season with No Regrets

#225 STF Holiday Survival Guide: 11 Ways to Crush the Holiday Season with No Regrets

STF Holiday Survival Guide. The holidays are my favorite time of year. They’re also some of the most stressful weeks of the year. Some of it is the nature of the season– there are parties to attend, people to shop for, money to spend (that you may not have), family drama to brace for, and…

#224 Welcoming Pain and Discomfort: Steps to Cultivating Your Path to a More Meaningful Life

#224 Welcoming Pain and Discomfort: Steps to Cultivating Your Path to a More Meaningful Life

How to welcome discomfort. Do you want to grow? But do you also want comfort? You can’t have both. To cultivate meaningful experiences and to experience meaningful growth, you must endure pain and discomfort. The more you can connect your pain and discomfort to your values, the more the discomfort becomes bearable– the more the…

#223 How to Use Cognitive Dominance to Out-Think Fear with Neurosurgeon Mark McLaughlin

How to outthink fear Mark McLaughlin, M.D. is a neurosurgeon and the founder of Princeton Brain and Spine Care. The first time he cut open a patient’s skull, he found himself confronting a powerful force that his fellow brain surgeons agreed was best never spoken of. FEAR. But Dr. McLaughlin knew that if he couldn’t…

#222 Procrastination By Perfectionism: How To Break Perfectionism So That You Can Get To Your Life’s Work

#222 Procrastination By Perfectionism: How To Break Perfectionism So That You Can Get To Your Life’s Work

Breaking “procrastination by perfectionism.” There’s something you want to do but you’re not ready. The timing isn’t right. You don’t have the skills. The “thing” isn’t yet perfect. Here’s the problem. Deep down, you know it never will be. You’ve been caught in the loop of procrastination by perfectionism. You don’t do it because it’s…