#77 Jim Harshaw (solo): The Weirdest (and Most Practical) Episode You’ll Ever Listen to on Goal Setting Strategy

Jim guides the listener through a series of questions that brings clarity to your 2017 goals.

Today I bring you the weirdest but most practical podcast episode you’ll ever listen to. Instead of being a passive listener, you’ll be an active participant in this episode. Here’s why I’m doing this. I was working with a CEO recently and we got to the part of Reveal Your Path where we discussed “Selective Programming.” “Selective Programming” is where you selectively choose the messages that come to you throughout your day… radio, reading, self-talk and the people with whom you surround yourself. He explained that he felt he needed “deselective programming.” He felt he was over-programmed. Like he’s constantly reading books, listening to podcasts and gaining knowledge but he doesn’t take enough time to actually implement what he’s learned. This episode is a response to that discussion. I lead you through a series of questions that, cumulatively, will lead you to clarity around your biggest goal for 2017. It’s unique. It’s different. It will expand your mind. Dive in!

Want a list of these questions in a worksheet format? Grab the action plan here… JimHarshawJr.com/Action.

Download the Action Plan from This Episode Here

Jim guides the listener through a series of questions that brings clarity to your 2017 goals on iTunes Jim guides the listener through a series of questions that brings clarity to your 2017 goals on Stitcher

Websites: http://thehiddenwhy.com/
Twitter: @LeighMartinuzzi