Riot Results

Mike Novogratz, Al Bevilacqua and Co. pulled off a wrestling event the likes of which have never happened before. They are both action-oriented, “get things done” people to whom the wrestling community owes a debt of gratitude. The Beat the Streets Gala was a truly unbelievable event. Riot Sports Marketing supported their efforts to reach the wrestling community, grow attendance and raise money. Here is what Al Bevilacqua had to say…

“I am convinced and I think our Board is convinced that Riot Sports Marketing allowed us in our most recent Gala & Benefit to double our attendance and total donations. Last year we had a little over 450 people attend where we raised $450,000.

As of now, as donations are still “trickling in” where we have raised over $900,000 with over 1000 people on the Intrepid.

If we can move a few new cities to become successful it will be provide the validity nationwide that we can reverse the downward curve of participation that wrestling is experiencing in its High Schools and Colleges.”


Al Bevilacqua A USA Wrestling member since 1971….” Create a following. Start a Riot!

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