Friction is the enemy of follow-through. The secret to achieving your vision isn’t just hard work — it’s having the right system in place.
For the final installment of the Reveal Your Path series, we connect the dots and reveal the missing link to achieving your dreams. From crafting a clear vision and setting aligned goals to cultivating an environment of excellence, we’ve covered it all. Now, it’s time to seal the deal with the ultimate key to success: a plan for follow through.
In this episode of the “Success for the Athletic-Minded Man” podcast, we dive deep into the secrets of “following through”— the essential ingredient for turning your vision into reality.
Listen as I reveal the critical element that separates the achievers from the dreamers and the practical strategies to help you stay the course and turn your goals into reality. This episode will leave you inspired and motivated to take action like never before.
Don’t miss this opportunity to complete your transformation and step into a future filled with clarity, consistency, and unwavering focus. Tune in and let’s reveal your path to success together!
Check out the first four parts of the series
PART 1: #439 (Pt 1 of 5) The Truth About Success: A Framework for How to Master Peak Performance in Business and Life
PART 2 #441 (Pt 2 of 5) The First Step to Success: Clarifying Your Vision and Values
PART 3: #443 (Pt 3 of 5) The Power of Aligned Goals: The Path to Purposeful Success
PART 4: #445 (Pt 4 of 5) Excellence by Design: Crafting Your Environment of Excellence Using “MAPS”
If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at
Download the Action Plan from This Episode Here
The final episode of the Reveal Your Path series!
#447 (Pt 5 of 5) Consistency and Follow Through: Mastering the Art of Sticking with Your Goals
[00:00] We’re not about getting pretty good results. We’re about getting amazing results, excellent results, not leaving anything on the table. And just like when you’re an athlete, you don’t want to leave anything on the field, on the mat, on the court. You don’t want to leave anything on the table here in life as well.
[00:15] And we’re not just talking about your career and making tons of money. We’re also talking about your health and well being. We’re talking about your relationships, most importantly. Not leaving anything on the table there, right? Not sacrificing one area of your life for the other. Not shortchanging one area of your life.
[00:30] For the other, welcome to another episode of success for the athletic minded, man, real talk on harnessing your athletic drive for clarity, consistency, and focus in business and life. This is your host, Jim Harshaw, Jr. And today we’re talking about the final. Piece of the framework, the four part framework that is reveal your path.
[00:54] This is the exact framework that people inside of my coaching program learn and execute upon. We’re helping them. We’re walking them through this with a series of. Worksheets and one on one coaching calls, group coaching calls, private community. There’s some other bells and whistles there, but this is the actual framework, the actual framework that I’m teaching my clients.
[01:15] I’m giving this to you. And this is the fourth part today. So this was actually a five part series starting in episode 439 where 439, I gave the overview. Of the whole framework. And then in every other episode, 441, 443, 445, I gave you step one, two, and three of that framework going in depth into each of those phases.
[01:41] So episode 441, which was the first of the four parts of the framework, that is. The creating of a clear vision in discovering your core values. Number two, part two of the framework is creating aligned goals, aligned goals, and then actually tracking those. And I have a, an amazing tracking spreadsheet that I shared in that episode, and actually you can get access to that.
[02:05] If you download the action plan from this episode as well, we’ll have the link right in there. It’s a gamified version of a. Goal setting worksheet, it’s color coded, there’s scores, there’s tracks. It’s really quite amazing. We put a lot of time and energy into this and you’re really going to like it. So that was episode four 43, where we covered that and that episode four 45.
[02:27] So just two episodes ago, we talked about the environment of excellence. All right. So vision and values. Number one. Number two is aligned goals. Number three is environment of excellence. What possibly could part four be? This is the glue. If you skip this part, this becomes just like every other time you’ve set goals in your life.
[02:49] This is what is missing. Whenever people set new year’s resolutions. The fourth and final piece of the puzzle that’s going to help you get from where you’re at stuck, unfulfilled, unsatisfied, knowing that there’s another gear inside of you to the next level, your next level, the next piece for you. Is having a plan for follow through.
[03:12] You have to follow through. You’ve heard this before, you know, this, you also know that this is the hardest thing I spoke with one of my clients this morning. This guy’s a total badass does very well in what he does financially. And he’s also completed multiple iron mans. I mean, this guy’s just, I mean, he’s a high performer in every sense of the word.
[03:34] And. He’s like, Jim, I need this. I need to follow through. I need accountability. I need a plan to make this work. Like we walked through the whole framework. He’s been in the program for the past couple of months. Now he knows it’s time to execute on everything that we’ve built, everything that we’ve learned.
[03:50] And actually he showed up on the call today. He said, Hey, Jim, I’m off the path. And that’s what happens, right? Life will throw you curve balls. It threw him a curve ball. He’s dealing with an injury right now. He’s actually. Competitive athlete still well past the age that most of us are competing as athletes.
[04:04] I mean, he still is, like I said, he’s a bad ass and. He’s like, man, I need this. You know, I’m off the path dealing with an injury and this is how we keep him on the path is we get them back on the path and continue to execute at a high level so he can crush it and achieve the vision that we set out to achieve with him a couple of months ago.
[04:21] And you know, we all need this. We all need that. I don’t care. I don’t care who you are. I do talk to a lot of people on these free clarity calls that are, you know, we’re kind of talking about how we can implement this into your life. And a lot of people walk away from that call and go, yeah, I think I can do this on my own, or I don’t want to spend the money on it or what, like, if you don’t, then you’re going to get more of the same.
[04:41] If you don’t invest in yourself, if you don’t take action, make a commitment, do this scary, hard thing, then you’re going to continue to get the results that you’re getting. And you might say, yeah, well, my results are pretty good. That’s great. We’re not about getting pretty good results. We’re about getting amazing results, excellent results, not leaving anything on the table, just like when you were an athlete, you don’t want to leave anything on the field, on the mat, on the court.
[05:05] You don’t want to leave anything on the table here in life as well. And we’re not just talking about your career and making tons of money. We’re also talking about your health and wellbeing. We’re talking about your relationships. Most importantly, not leaving anything on the table there, right? Not sacrificing one area of your life for the other, not short changing one area of your life for the other follow through is the key.
[05:25] Now, listen, when you were competing as an athlete. It was just built in. It’s like baked into life at that point. Right. Especially, you know, I was a division one, all American wrestler trained at the Olympic training center, competed overseas. Like when you’re living that life, like follow through is just kind of built in.
[05:41] Right. It does take some self discipline to go beyond to do the extra, which is certainly required to succeed at the highest level, but really it’s built in. Right. You’re following through because someone else is creating the schedule. Somebody else is creating the practice plan. You just show up. For the competitions, you just show up for practice.
[05:58] You know, there’s a bunch of other people around you doing the same thing. You might have scholarship money on the line like I did. And that just lends itself to follow through. You will do more in that environment just because of the natural inherent default infrastructure. Same thing in the military, military guys, get this athletes.
[06:22] Get this, we get out of that infrastructure. We get out of that environment, all of that dissolves. And you say, okay, I gotta, I gotta be disciplined. I gotta suck it up and do it on my own. Nope. No, you don’t. I know David Goggins tells you that you have to do it all on your own. No, you don’t. You have to have the self discipline, but you also have to have the commitment to yourself.
[06:43] You got to bring the infrastructure into your life. That’s going to make all of this easier. You know, you’re not going to pay someone to come in. Hey, wake you up in the morning and make sure you get out of bed and do the workout. No, one’s going to be standing beside you, slapping the food out of your hand.
[06:55] Whenever you’re eating that piece of cake that you shouldn’t be eating or. You know, staying late in the office, no one’s going to stand over there at your shoulder and Yankee out of your chair and send you home to your family when you should, right? You do have to have that self discipline that, uh, David Goggins talks about, but you also have to have all of these other pieces in place, this infrastructure so that you can follow through Steven Pressfield, who I’ve done on the podcast several times, talks about resistance.
[07:20] I call it friction. It’s a little bit of a different concept, but very similar in the sense that. It’s hard to do this stuff, right? There’s a mental toughness that it takes to overcome that resistance to not hitting the snooze button. The resistance to doing the thing that you know, that you need to do, picking up the phone and making that sales call.
[07:39] Like there’s gotta be this internal drive, but if there’s no purpose behind it, if you haven’t connected the dots back to why am I doing this? Like, what’s the reason? What’s the vision for my life? What are my core values? Then it’s going to be way harder for you than it needs to be. This is, if you want to call it a shortcut, it’s a shortcut, right?
[07:58] You got to do the work in order to create this shortcut, but this shortcut bringing this infrastructure into your life will help you follow through, help you be consistent, right? Right now in your life, you know, you’re like me pulled in a million different directions, family. I’ve got four kids work. I got a business, right?
[08:16] I can, I can never turn off. If I wanted to, I could just work 24 seven. Fitness and health. I want to be really fit. I want to keep six pack abs and look good at the beach in the summer. Right? I want to give back to charity. I want to be philanthropic. I want to, you know, I serve on two boards. One’s a national organization, F3, the F3 foundation.
[08:33] Like I’ve got. Extended family that have, you know, serious physical ailments that we’re helping them manage through. Like there’s so much pulling at you now and it’s pulling at me as well. How do you follow through? How do you execute on the things that you know you need to execute on when you have all of this?
[08:52] Pulling at you and you don’t have that natural default infrastructure that you had when you were competing as an athlete. Well, you have to build it. You have to build the system in the system. Like I already covered, you know, at a high level here, again, core values makes you more consistent because you have this compass, right?
[09:12] This vision, whenever you have a target to aim at, when you have a vision and your core values, you have a target to aim at, and you have a compass to guide you. Quick interruption. If you like what you’re hearing here and you want to learn how you can implement this into your life, just go to to see how you can get a free one on one coaching session with me. That’s Now back to the show. Aligned goals is the second part, because we are clear and we track those goals. You will be more consistent. You will be more focused. You will be more disciplined.
[09:49] You will follow through environment of excellence because you are around other people and you have the right media pouring into your life and you’re saying the right words and you have the right mindset you are going to execute. More consistently, you are going to follow through this episode. This fourth and final piece of the puzzle is about the tactics that you need to implement in order to follow through, to keep you on the path and to help you get back on the path whenever you fall off the path, because here’s the deal.
[10:19] We all want clarity. We all want consistency. We all want focus. We all want more time. So how do you do those? All right, I’m going to give you some tactics. Are you ready? One of the simplest things that we coach our clients to do is to set a calendar reminder for the first Monday of the month at 8 AM, set a reminder and make it recurring forever for the rest of your life.
[10:43] And then what we do is we copy and paste the link. We use Google sheets and we track our goals there, copy and paste that link. Into that calendar invitation, make sure that that calendar event is set to remind you by email, not just the notification, but via email to send you an email once a month, 8 AM first Monday of the month, you get an email, there’s a link, you click on the link, there’s no friction to getting to your goals, right?
[11:09] To finding your goals, where they’re at, you open that link. And if you’re using the link that we provide, if you’re using the tool, the worksheet that we provide, you’ll see how you can score your goals for the prior month and then take action on the goals for the next one. Setting the goals for the next month, like reducing the friction.
[11:25] That’s one of the biggest things is to just sit, set that calendar invitation, set that calendar event, and then you set it and forget it. Everything else becomes easier, right? Not easy, but easier. We’re talking about reducing friction here, right? Another thing you got to do is. The productive pause. You’ve heard me say this.
[11:44] If you’ve been listening to the podcast for any length of time, you know what this is. I’m going to say it again, because this is the single most important aspect of creating success in your life of creating clarity and consistency and focus and balance. If you want those things, you can’t just grind all day.
[12:02] Every day. You have to stop, evaluate, think, ask the right questions. You know, how do I win the day today? What’s important now? When you ask these questions, you work on the right things. You don’t just work. We can all be busy every day. Checking emails, checking text messages, you know, sorting through paperwork, whatever it might be.
[12:23] Sure. You can be busy all day. But is that the strategic work that’s going to get you from here to where you want to go? Or is that just the busy work that’s going to keep you in the loop that you’re in right now? Productive pause. Here’s the definition. A short period of focused reflection around specific questions that leads to clarity of action and peace of mind.
[12:42] That’s it. Clarity of action. Peace of mind. You want it. I want it. We all want it. Are you willing to stop? Stop what you’re doing and ask the questions so you can have that clarity of action, that peace of mind. That’s what the whole program, this whole Reveal Your Path program we’re talking about. That’s what it’s all based on.
[12:57] We’re not telling people grind, wake up earlier, work harder. No, all that comes, all that happens because of this work. We do this work and that is just a natural outflow of the work that we do. It just happens. You want clarity? It takes a productive pause. You can ask yourself every morning, how do I win the day today?
[13:19] For me, I ask myself every day, how am I going to make today? Great, simple as that. Write it down in my journal. It gives me that little bit of clarity of action that I need every morning. I also write down three things I’m grateful for, and I do three affirmations. Simple process, simple routine for me helps me enter the day with clarity.
[13:36] Helps me be more consistent, reduce friction, find ways to reduce friction. This is another tactic for you. Find ways to reduce that friction. So for example, this is a sort of a classic example of later workout closeout and the night before I sleep in mine, you know, I sleep in my workout clothes so I can roll out of bed and get ready to work.
[13:57] I fill up a glass of water, put it on my kitchen counter right beside the coffee pot the night before. Yeah. Is it very hard to fill up a glass of water? Nope. I want to make sure and reduce the friction. I want to make sure that I drink that glass of water every day. First thing before I do anything else, I drink a big glass of water.
[14:15] Hydrate myself. Cause we all wake up dehydrated every single day. That’s an easy, easy hack right there. If you want to get more hydrated and start your day, right. Drink water, right? Reduce the friction, reduce the friction by setting that calendar event, like I told you earlier, you want to be more consistent.
[14:30] You’ve got to connect your goals. To your vision and your values, right? Connect your goals to your vision and your values. We talk about that in the aligned goals episode. That’s episode number four 43. And then in episode number four 45, we talk about getting around the right people. This is another tactic for you.
[14:47] If you want to be more consistent, you want to follow through. You’ve got to get around the right people. It just makes it easier. I hang out with a bunch of dudes who a couple weeks ago, 10 guys in my workout group ran ultra marathons, ultra marathons. The bar has been raised. I ran 10 miles that weekend.
[15:03] I felt pretty good about myself. I went out and ran 10 miles and the same time, all these dudes are running like 30 plus miles. So I’m not the tough guy. Those guys are studs, right? And I’m hanging around them. They’re setting the bar way higher than where I’m at right now. I’m in a mastermind group with all these amazing entrepreneurs.
[15:19] I’m the dumbest guy in the room. And it sets the bar high, right? Get around the right people. You want to be more focused? A couple other tactics for you. The Pomodoro technique. If you’ve ever heard of this Pomodoro technique, just Google it. We’ll have a link in the action plan to, uh, to a timer that you can use Pomodoro technique timer.
[15:38] It’s simply this it’s 25 minutes of focused. No checking email, no checking text messages, no checking social media. We can all focus for 20 minutes or 25 minutes. If you can just, you’ll be so surprised at how much you get out of 25 minutes of focus. If you can just focus for 25 minutes, you will get so much done.
[15:59] This is a tactic for follow through. Here’s another one. The Nicotra technique. I call it the Nicotra technique. If you’ve been listening to the podcast again for any length of time, you know about this technique. This is named after my late brother in law taught it to me. Basically you take the things that you want to get done on your to do list today.
[16:16] You write them out on your piece of paper, on your notebook, put numbers beside them in order that you want to get them done. Put your hand on it, close your eyes and visualize yourself getting them done. Moving quickly from task to task, moving quickly from task to task, and then visualize yourself at the end of the day, looking down at your paper, all the lines are crossed.
[16:35] You have lines through every single one of your items and you’re stoked, right? Create that feeling. Now, this is part law of attraction, part visualization mindset work, but it only works. If you do it doesn’t work, if you don’t do it, it doesn’t work. If you just hear it on a podcast and don’t actually take action on it, which is where we come in, to be honest, we’re holding people accountable, getting them to execute on the things that they wouldn’t execute on otherwise.
[17:01] All right. Last couple of things here in terms of tactics for you to follow through. The big one here is the 80, 20 role, the 80, 20 role. You’ve heard of this before. This is what are the 20 percent of tasks. That give you 80 percent of your results. Who are the 20 percent of your customers that give you 80 percent of your income?
[17:22] What are 20 percent of the action items that you do that give you 80 percent of the results in your health and wellness or in your marriage or in any other area of your life? Right? So that’s the 80 20 rule. Now, if you listen to my episode with David Finkel back in episode number. 233. Now that’s back in the success through failure days, back in the old days, as they say.
[17:47] I interviewed David Finkel. He’s a business coach, man. This guy’s great. He was a world class field hockey player actually as well. So great guy and really, really great business concepts there. But he, he takes the 80, 20 rule to an exponential level. So 80, 20, right? So 20%, what’s the 20 percent that gives you 80 percent of your results?
[18:05] What if you did that again? What if you took that 20% And said, okay, what’s the 20 percent of that that gives me 80 percent of the results. Now, if you do it again, if you, if you take the 20 percent of that, right. 20 percent of the 20 percent of the 20 percent that gives you 1%, that gives you 50 percent of the overall.
[18:26] Results, right? 20 percent of the 20 percent of the 20 percent is about 1%. That gives you about 50 percent of the results, right? Exponential thinking, really high level work. Again, this doesn’t work if you don’t sit down and actually write out how to do this now. We actually have a discovery exercise, a written worksheet that we have accessible for our clients to identify these tasks.
[18:51] And this is the kind of work that we do with our clients. We help them get this kind of clarity. Listen, if you have one single takeaway from this episode, it should be this. Tom Brady. LeBron James, you know, Bill Gates, you know, you name any high performer from any walk of life, Elon Musk, as controversial as he is, these world class performers, they have an infrastructure, they have an infrastructure around them.
[19:14] They have clarity in terms of what they’re after, what their vision is, what they value, and they have coaches. They have other people around them. What about you? What about you? Do you want to implement this into your life? Do you want to figure out how to actually get unstuck? I don’t care what level you’re at making 50, 000.
[19:32] You want to make a hundred thousand. If you’re making a million and you want to make 10 million, it doesn’t matter. This is the framework you need. No matter where you’re starting from, we can get you to the next level. If you want to have that conversation, let’s jump on a call. Go to
[19:47] I look forward to talking to you. Take action. Good luck.
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